The sea shell lies on the sea shore, beautiful and elegant. Its spirals speak of infinite depth, and it glimmers of infinite beauty. What fate does one have, to encounter such a miracle embedded between your twinkling toes? Does it beckon to you or just winks from afar? Of course you have to take a closer look, to study its curves and to ponder its depths, but also to listen to it for the melody of the sea. It tells a story really, a beautiful enchanting fairytale. Of sun-drenched beaches and moon-lit waters, of heroes of magnificance and physique, and princesses of poise and port. Of the eternal tiff between water and sand, an endless ebbing effluence of water and tide tugging stormy stone and sand.
How much of this seashell's sound come from its spiralled depths, or just the echoing generated from its cavern mouth? It hints of unparalleled depth but hums the traditional haunting song. It is an endless pit into a shallow dish.
Oops, there's a prawn inside!
How much of this seashell's sound come from its spiralled depths, or just the echoing generated from its cavern mouth? It hints of unparalleled depth but hums the traditional haunting song. It is an endless pit into a shallow dish.
Oops, there's a prawn inside!