Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Its been a good many months since I last posted eh? In that time, my exams have ended, I've been unceremoniously booted out of my DDP that I chose NUS for, I've been to a camp, organized another, and been unable to attend due to ICT, spent several nights out and been to taiwan and back. Quite an eventful holiday I must say.

It sure was a huge disappointment with my grades. I was so certain that I could do it this time, and it was partially bad luck, partially just what I'm fundamentally good at. I'm a person whose results look like a rollercoaster ride. Unfortunately, this is not the type of mold that a DDP student is supposed to fit into, regardless of his intellect. Having no choice but to try to fit in, I studied harder than I have ever did. Too bad I'm just no good at math. An engineering student who's bad at math, now that's a laugh. Everyday I'm haunted over this path. Everyone says it doesn't matter, what you study in university doesn't really affect what you do in real life. If so why doesn't everybody just quit school?

At the same time, It has been more crazy than fun. Sometimes, I'm not sure what I want either. Would it be better just to drift along in life, taking advantage of whatever comes along but yet not planning too far ahead? The further you plan ahead, the greater your chances for disappointment. How much of this is zen advice and how much just an excuse to be lazy in life?

I've made a bet with myself to talk to one new person every day. So far so good. I think in the grand scheme of things, I'm just a simple thrill seeker.