Saturday, August 28, 2004

Wow... I did not know that so many people will bother to read this stuff. Well, in the experiment someone mentioned, you do not measure the water level before putting the ice in. Instead, put ice into water, then measure the water level, then when the ice melts measure the water level again.

Then again, I agree that if the water comes from ice that was not originally floating like in the case of ice on mountaintops, the sea level will rise.

So now its a matter of seeing where the water comes from. The artic, as i hope everyone knows, is actually not land but more of a giant ice berg. Therefore, reise in sea levels will definitely not come from the artic.

On the other hand, Antartica IS a continent, which means that there is land under the layer of ice. This ice melting WILL cause a rise in sea levels.

However, taking into account my other theories about how increase in the temperature of air will allow air to hold more water and hence allow more evaporation, it is not too difficult to believe that the amount of water air can hold is around that of which the ice in antartica when melted will provide. This means that even if there was a chnage in sea levels, it will not be by much.

As for the supply of heat, assuming my idea of constant expansion is not true, the only explanation i can come up with is that energy in the atmosphere does in fact get released. How? Perhaps this occurs on the half of the earth that is not covered by sunlight. Without a constant supply of energy, the energy levels in the atmosphere will be higher than that in space. Hence, earth will radiate heat in to space. This heat released is what makes early mornings cold: Lots of energy and hence heat is lost throught the atmosphere into space. Thus decreasing the energy level in earth.

Now for the opposing view. Taking that the earth is cnstantly expanding due to energy supply from the sun, a suitable explanation why the half not covered by sun gets cold at night could be attributed to radiation given out from space bodies. These radiation will not be stopped by mere matter and will penetrate the earth to bring energy to the shaded half. However, this energy though enough to cause the earth to expand is not in excess such that we will experience heat. this means that the shaded half is constantly expanding as well, but due to lesser energy supplied, less is in the form of heat and more in the form of matter. This will lead us to feel cold in theory of relativity. Imagine dipping your hand in warm water for five minutes. when you remove your hand, you will feel cool even if the temperature of the air is not as cool.

I hope that those who reads it will not get too confused over what I am saying. I find it really exciting to come up with these new theories and it will be such a pity of no one gets what I am grasping at.

The prelims have started. I still have not found a way to answer geography questions...

Sunday, August 22, 2004

Science is a strange and mysterious subject. Past the boring teachers and stupid ten year series, Science holds much mysteries which stimulate the mind and open up the imagination.

For example, why do all physics teachers have such lousy english? I've yet to see a physics teacher who comes up with perfect grammer in his slides and test papers. It is also the strangest branch of science to be bad in english in. After all, physics is supposed to explain the world's greatest mysteries to the people. Perhaps the world is not so mysterious after all. Perhaps all the strange questions and chaos theories are due to miscommunications between scientists.

Another think about science. Sometimes they tend to contradict other subjects. For example, in geography, we would learn that euthrophication is due to nutrients in the water causing surface plants to reproduce rapidly resulting in the cutting off of sunlight. This causes the bottom dwelling plants to die and when decomposers act on them, oxygen is removed resulting in the death of other aquatic organisms.

In chemistry, we learn nothing of surface plants but merely that algae will grow and when they die, the resulting decay will kill the animals. It is pretty much the same in biology. Which theory then, should we subscribe to? Or do we have a seperate answer for each question? No one knows...

Finally, there are the stange places that science will lead you. Apparrantly, according to the law on conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transformed from one form to another. This means that once energy is here, its here to stay. Fine, I can accept that. Now to biology, which says that energy flows from the sun in a non cyclic manner, meaning that energy is constantly supplied by the sun. Now non cyclic means that energy is lost. If both facts are to hold, this will mean that there is an accumilation of energy on earth. So where exactly does this energy go? According to the first law, it cannot simply disappear, and according the biology, it has to be constantly coming in. this will lead you to mean that the earth itself is gaining energy every second. By gaining, energy, according to the kinetic particle theory, the atoms that make up earth, as well as the layer of air around it, will be gaining energy every second. Using the particle theory again, this will mean that earth is getting hotter and hotter every second. Does this mean that earth will one day suddenly explode? Now earth has had several billion years worth of sunshine. No prises for guessing how much energy that amounts to.

Now, if you use einstein's theory that e=mc^2.
so my the amount of energy we have received, it will be my conclusion that if the energy does not go anywhere else, it will be converted to matter. This will mean that the earth is gaining in mass every day. Is this the true for reason for the earth's expanson as opposed to conventional theory that the expansion is simply due to earth getting older and gravity getting weaker?

If so, it might even mean that every thing on earth is expanding, and expanding in proportion such that til all seems normal to earth. Perhaps it is this, with the effect of inertia that causes gravity. so the pulling force we experience is not due to attraction between matter, but simply the pushing of the earth as it expands hence creating a force against us and as newton's third law of motion states , that any force has an equal and opposite force, the 'gravity' we feel is simply the opposite force we exert upon the earth.

Now for my final theory. Global warming apparantly causes a rise in sea levels. Bullshit.

As water cools down, it contracts. However, at 4deg C it starts to expand again. This explains why ice floats on water instead of sinking down, because its volume has increased while its mass remained constant, its density is thus decreased. The thing here is that the volume of ice below the surface(about 2/3), is acutally the original volume of the whole block of ice when it was liquid. This will mean that even if the icebergs melt, the sealevel will remain constant. So wheres the worry about rising sea levels?

Furthermore, with an increase in global temperature, the capacity of air to hold water vapour increases. This will mean that more water gets evaporated into the atmosphere. With more watervapour in the atmosphere, more clouds will form. More clouds means that less sunlight will penetrate the earth, and it will rain more often. Does that sound like the earth will be getting hotter? I should think not...

Saturday, August 21, 2004

What is there to say in these recent times? National day passed, I went to watch fireworks, and that's pretty much it. Its been so long since I last went out and watched a movie or enjoyed myself. I really wanna watch alien Vs predator but all im doing now a days is just to study. Oh my god im so sick of studying but what can I do?

In fact, studying has so gotten into me that I think I am going crazy. In fact, I just had my hair cut... all of it. Im now as bald as a monk, is it the exam stress getting to me? I have no idea. Maybe im just going looney!

Perhaps other meanings can be read into my hair cut but i certainly was not thinking of them at that time. In fact, if i remember correctly, I was thinking about social studies while my hair was being cut! Sheesh

Even my blog entries are getting more and more juvenile. There simply is nothing I do besides warcraft, basketball and study...

Even love!!! Theres no place for that right now. Oh well, be a monk...