Saturday, January 19, 2008

Kor Kor's wedding!
sing song
sing song
kor kor: haha, that's revenge for what you all jie mei's made me do just now!
Don't pretent you don't know the lyrics, its all printed out!


Kor kor's turn to sing

The end!
Dinner is tomorrow night. Too bad I'm in thailand...

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I am very much not looking forward to joint phase. Are they really that anal or is it just an act? Dad says that fustration makes you tough. But are you becoming tougher, or just losing the will to fight? I have already felt once what it was like. Please not again!

My brother's getting married and I don't get to go for dinner with him. What's the point of defending your country to protect your way of life, if you have to give up your way of life to defend your country?

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year! I hate that crowded place!