Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's like an escape, into a finely crafted, perfectly scripted world. They prance around looking so carefree and happy, yet somehow every step is in the right place, every move sycronized, every smile, wink, frown, lilt so perfect you know they must have practiced for hours yet looking so new and fresh. Maybe that's what I need from time to time, an escape into a perfect place where everything happens according to plan. Where nothing can change, because I've seen the same perfectly crafted swizzle hundreds of times.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Indego is a color too

Colors are often all around,
Any time you look its found.
Never have any trouble naming it,
Ten colors, what? that's it.

Don't think though that you know it all.
Every color has its hue,
And each hue has each one too.
Leaves shade different when they fall.

White even is not spared,
Indego is the color of bread.
Tree trunks and tables are all brown,
Hearts drawn on them safe and sound.

Troubles are like colors too,
Hello and how do you do?
I'm fine, what shade of pissed of are you?
Surf's up sun's down and its dark all around.

So never ever think you're clear,
However the colors may seem near.
I like studying with all my friends,
This poem is coming to an end.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wu, exams are coming. I've thought long and hard, and I've finally come up with the worst thing that could happen to me. and that thing is: to have worked so hard this sem and yet not see my results inprove by much. I'd just give up.

You know people often say that you should never give up, and keep working hard, and everything will work out. If you fail, try, try again. Well, there's another saying that stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. How far down trying harder and harder is the line that crosses into 'dude you're wasting your time'? Would it not be better to develop youself in areas where you know you will excel in, or at least spread the damage out a little, rather than risking everything hoping that you'll get good grades and that will make everything worth it?

That's it, this is the semester. I'm just going to give it my shot, and if it doesn't work out, i'll just let it go. Sometimes I wonder if I still hold on to anything anymore. I don't even know if that's a good or bad thing. Goodness.