Sunday, September 19, 2004

The time now is 12.13 am. I have totally nothing to do, except talk about warcraft. And blog.

I went to play basketball in the morning today. I got there just in time to see andy dislocate his pinkie on hc's knee. the finger was really disgusting. You could see the bone sticking out at one side and the empty space where the bone should have been at the other. Fortunately, there was a chinese clinic nearby, and we went there to have his finger 'pulled'.

It didn't take a long time, though the waiting did. All the doctor did was simply to pull extremely hard on andy's finger. I'm telling you now that it is damn bloody weird man, there was all these cracking sounds and after a while, his finger was back to normal! So the doc bandaged the pinkie and charged him fifteen bucks...

pigs, ducks, chickens, frogs and flies
all these creatures often die
out of all these 3 can fly
but only 1 of them is in my fries

You know I'm bored when I start making stupid rhymes...

Always Avoid Alliteration
Big Breasted Bull
Children Can't Colour
Dumb Dogs Die
Elephants Enjoy Encouragement
Fishes Find Flowers Fanciful
Ghosts Greet Gruby Goblins
Hot Hinanese Hen
Idiots Indulge In Incredible Ideocracies
Jokers Join Junkyard
Kinky Kangaroos Kick
Likkhian Laughs Lamely
Most Men Manage Monkies
Nine Nimble Nincompoops
Orangutans Order Oranges
Penniless People Pay
Queen Quotes Quarter
Rabbits Run Rampant
Slimy Snakes Slither
Ten Turtles Tremble
Urine Uses Ureter
Voles Vote Volumlously
Woman Wears Wonderbra
x-rated xenophobic xiuyi (thx joei)
Your Years Yearn
Zig Zag Zebras

Haha... If anyone can come up with an alliteration using 'X', pleaset tag me!


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