Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Wahaha! Had mock oral exam for both chinese and english today. English was a disaster! the topic that day was on the elderly and somehow, I could not come up with a single piece of crap! Ended up giving really short, boring answers. First I said that my grandfather was dead, then I mentioned that I went fishing with my grandfather! Which was untrue (the fishting that is). For chinese, as usual, the amount of words I could not read was roughly equal to the number I could, but I sort of managed to bluff my way through. The conversation was really fun though, maybe I should try to crack jokes during my chinese oral exam as well!

It is 10.49. For the past twenty minutes or so, there has been this massive blackout from some where in bishan, so my dad's hospital to my whole street and probably estate. Strangely, the streetlights behind my backyard was unaffected.


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