Wednesday, April 07, 2004

The last hour or so of today has certainly been meaningful and deep to me. I have learnt a lot of things that I have always yearned to find out, but never dared to ask. And I can say that it has provided closure for me. I have found out all that I wanted to, and though there are still certain regrets, I can say that I’m glad that it happened. Not that I’m jumping for joy or anything, but I feel the inner peace and tranquility that at least some, if not all, of life’s unanswered questions has been answered. Thank YOU, for teaching me more about life and love than I ever cared to know about.

Ever heard of the line “Opportunity only knocks once”? Well, there’s another follow up that goes “and temptation bangs on the door for years”. I’m telling you now that it is both true. Opportunity does, or should I say did knock once. And I was deaf to it. Now however, it is gone. I should have answered the door. That’s all I can say. But, as another cliché goes, what’s done is done, and (here’s another one) time and tide and knocking doors wait for no one. So I shall let my thoughts and feelings lie buried forever under this blog entry, and thus be unburdened.

I once wrote a poem, long and horrible, somewhere in the annuals of this blog, and up till now, I’m still quite touched myself about what I wrote. I have never written, and probably will never write another one equal to it in emotion. It basically summed up my life up till that point.

Oh well, I’ve got a match against Bukit Panjang tomorrow. Wish me luck!


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