Friday, September 09, 2005

I'm dead! Totally, absolutely, undoubtly gone! The holiday is almost over and all I've done is 2 physics tutorials and half a maths tutorial! Get that? Half! It didn't help that it was about intergration and there were like 30 questions! and there are still another two more parts which makes it more like one sixth of a maths tutorial. You know whats the worst thing? There were a shitload of questions that I have no idea how to do. I think I will die for promos this year. Heck now i don't even have confidence of passing.

Gosh! what should I do now? Should I struggle in vain to complete my maths? Or just move on and start studying the real stuff. I tried to do a physics promo paper today. I gave up after the MCQ section. Too many unsure answers. I think a serious revision is in order. Hmmm, thats an idea!

From today onwards, I promise myself to read through every single piece of note that I have at least once. I hope this will let me have some sense of the syllabus. This had better work. Promos are in less than a month!

Still playing dota, keep losing but won one yesterday with my latest invention. Its called the crazy morphling techie suicide combo! Thats exactly what it sounds like. We beat a medusa, pugna, night stalker and lich with this strat! We were morph(me) techie, jugg and sniper. Wahaha! without a disabler they could not stop us. I actually managed to farm out an eye from my suiciding. It seems that I loose less money. Either that or the money I make suiciding offsets the death penalty. Damn, I want royalties on this!


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