Sunday, June 26, 2005

EXAM! Arrghhh! Horrible horrible terrible disgusting vulgar insinuating vomit-inducing bun-clenching yucky vile hateful horrendous loathsome creepy detestable foul ghastly nauseating sickening four-lettered word. I cannot believe that tomorrow is the first day of the exams. I am unprepared to say the least. Actually, having been playing for one month, exams could not have come at a worst time.

Skipping lessons for three months, slacking for another three months, and voila exam time! I seriously think that Biology is the most disgusting subject of them all. At least with physics and chemistry things make a certain sense. In biology, however, it is just weird name after weird name. Names of chemicals which I will never figure out the chemical formula, and strange stuff like: Outline glycolysis, as phosphorylation of glucose and the subsequent splitting of hexose phosphate(6C) into two triose phosphate (3C) molecules, which then combines with oxaloacetate (4C) to form citrate (6c).

What the hell is that!? Makes no sense whatsoever. Besides incomprehensible junk, biology is full of weird cryptic diagrams which make even less sense than the perplexing words. (I'm actually using to help me out on this one.)

Anyway, I have done no practice whatsoever for maths, physics or chemistry. In short, I think that I am going to fail my mid-years. But then again, maybe everyone else will fail too and they will moderate my score up! But that is just wishful thinking. With those smart people in my class, I am quite confident about clinching the bottom position.



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