Friday, August 05, 2005

Last wednesday was gym training. So I was thinking, since I end early, why not go for a run with matt? So we got ready, but halfway there decided to go cycling instead. We rented a couple of bikes intending to cycle like 40km or something. We went to both ends of east coast park and would have gone on to changi except that it was pure grass there and I didn't dare cycle on the road. We cycled about 200m on the grass before deciding that it was a retarded thing to do so we had to turn back and cycle another 200m back to the path. So we decided to head back to the shop and go back to school because I was kind of running late when the real fun started... Guess what? I got a puncture! So here I am, like 8km away from school with a wobbly tyre. No sweat, I can still cycle right? I continued for another few hundred metres before the innertube of the tyre came out and jammed itself into the brakes! I ended up carrying the bicycle god-knows-how many kilometers back to the stupid bike shop. For the next few days, my hips and shoulders ached like hell!

This week was also quite some week! I went for a 12km run on monday, had gym on tuesday, went to climbasia on wednesday and climbed from 1.30pm to almost 8pm and got my nose scratched by a cat and had a friendly with the seniors on thursday. Finally, friday I can at last relax and actually get online! Woohoo!

This sunday is the rock climbing competition, and I can say that I have never been less prepared for a competition than this. I mean like I know for a fact that I am probably gonna be humilated infront of hundreds of people when I fall off the boulder. In fact, I think that I am only there for the goodie bag. Hopefully nobody will be looking in my direction and I can slump in defeat in relative obscurity.

Next week is also a week to be rekoned with. It is, after all, National Day! No lessons on monday, and holiday on tuesday and thursday. Pool, movie, lan! But I have a shitload of homework so I will probably be doing a fair share of mugging!

Oh man, the whole comp is lagging like mad, I better post this before the comp crashes or something!


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