Saturday, August 12, 2006

I went to marina on friday to get my mp3 fixed. I overshot my stop and ended up almost in shenton way. Could see suntec in the distance so I decided to be a hero and walk back. The moment my shoe hit the bridge at the merlion park it started bloody raining. So damn funny. Well, my mp3 will be gone for 2 weeks, looks like I'll have to rely on my trusty handphone radio!

I used to love playing with cats when I was young. My favourite was one called Zen who lived under my block. Well, I gave her that name myself because that was the brand of watch at the time I first met her. She was beautiful white with tortie patches around her ears and saddle and tail. I remember walking round my block looking for her everyday after school. I even went to the minimart nearby every once in a while to buy canned catfood (not cheap for a primary school boy) for her. She recognized me too, and would purr whenever I came near. So I would actually sort of find her everyday at 2.30pm, after eating lunch at my auntie's place at block 409.

I don't remember bringing her up to my house. But once, I was sitting at the table eating breakfast when I saw a white streak go past. I thought I was just tired and that it was just my imagination until I opened the door to find her sitting on my shoe looking up at me. She was that sweet and cute. My mother chased her down the stairs with a broom.

It all seems kind of fuzzy now but once I rembered finding a large amount of newspaper strips on the lift landing outside my house. I think it was directly the next morning after she came to find me. Somehow I just KNEW that those strips were left by Zen. Somehow I also just KNEW that she was pregnant. I could not find her after school that day. Nor the day after, or after or after.

A few months later, I was walking towards the lift landing after school when lo and behold! I saw Zen! I was so happy, I think I nearly cried. She kind of led, I have no idea how, maybe just by walking away because she knew that I would follow her, me to the multi story carpark nearby. She brought me to a little box and then came out again.

The four little kittens mewed loudly when I opened the box. Zen had a family now. She was a big busy mother cat with 4 adorable kittens to look after. She had mouths to feed, kittens to train. She will never have time for me again...

Fast forward to 1996, we were moving out to a tiny rented flat in Hougang Ave 1. My parents had sold our mansionette and the 4 roomed flat seemed smally by comparison. On the very last day before we left I remember asking my father to let me go downstairs to say bye bye to my friends. I was going to search for Zen. I needn't bothered. I saw her the moment the lift door open. She showed me her new brood too, three lovely kittens. And I did cry this time, as I cradled her head in my hands, to know that this, finally would be the last time I ever set eyes on my best companion ever again...

True story ok?