Saturday, July 29, 2006

A lonely mugger in the park
Was doing homework in the dark
You've been scammed
So shut your clam
And then he drank till he got fucked

Nice?:) Basically what I did this week... Sorry about the last line, I had trouble coming up with a suitable rhyme.

He sat on the bench
Elbows on knees face in breeze
But she didn't come

Aiseh, am I good or what?

funny how things begin without soc
really cool things happen with a ball
its certainly a strange formula
enduring yet another burr
no doub't i would have become hindi
double standards working you twit
so there will never be a sorry

Complex acrostic. Never seen one before.

a cigeratte with a drink
a dejerate with a crunk

Ok, I had better stop before it gets any crappier.