Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Must... Resist... Cannot... Eat... New year goodies!

Thanks to the cross country on wednesday, I am having to control what I eat very strictly. That means no pineapple tarts, no bak kua, no nice food! The first day of new year went very well. I didn't eat a single new year goodie even though I visited many houses. Second day not so well. Broke down at my mom's eldest sis's house and ate many pineapple tarts and bak kuas. But managed to regain control and ate nothing after that. Hell, I even had that prosperity set from pizza hut, so I guess its very unhealthy. Tomorrow, well, actually today, I will have to eat very little.

The four days just flew by. Tomorrow will be the last day of the holiday! So fast! Then it will be cross country then back to boring old school. At least I have managed to keep abreast of the homework this time.

Today I actually gambled! Oh no! It has been imbibed into me time and time again when I was young that gambling was bad. My family never gambled during new year or other festive occasions. They also gave me the impression that gambling was like drugs. Totally taboo and forbidden. That gamblers will definitely become addicted and will end up stealing or in jail. Well, I guess its a sort of overprotectiveness on their part but gambling is not totally bad. I now view it as sort of a form of entertainment. I mean, you pay to watch movies, play games and what not. Gambling is just another sort of game. As long as the objective is to play the game or to win the game and not to earn money, I think gambling is nothing bad. The evils enter when you actually have the aim of earning money through gambline. Thats bad. Well, as far as I think.

Anyway, after saying so much about gambling, I won around 20 playing blackjack at roy's house. Most of it came when I got a gor leng as banker. Total ownage! I split the profit with my partner and got around 15 bucks.

Since its 2a.m I shall move away from worldy matters and focus on the divine. My image of heaven. I have always thought that heaven would be something like eternal glory or eternal peace. Then I considered carefully(all of five seconds), and wondered if eternal peace was something good. Personally, I would get bored of floating on clouds playing the thingy after maybe a year or so of it. Then I will have to look for something else to do. I would much rather watch the progression of mankind. To follow my descendents through their lives, to see what heights science has managed to achieve. In other words, I'd rather be a ghost haunting the earth. Not tormented by a terrible death type of haunt but just an unseen presence. Watching earth like some giant television show. If there is a god, maybe He can explain to me the meaning of life. Is it all an experiment to find out where He himself came from? To see if simple matter can turn back into energy, because thats what I think He is, seintent energy. Matter and energy is related. Matter can be converted into energy and vice versa. Perhaps this is what it is about. Creating us in his image to see if we would be able to break out of being matter and change back into energy. Maybe this will allow Him to discern where He came from. Just an experiment.

Well the fate of the universe is not in my hands and what I am talking about is just theoritical nonsense.

in other news, sometimes the same sign shows. I'm really really afraid that it is going to turn out like it did last time. And when I say afraid, I mean terrified, like as in scared shitless. Please don't make me go through it again! triwordophobia.


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