Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Ok. I have got a new name for my future daughter already. I might call her May. Why? Because then her full name will be May Yeo. 'Don't have', get it? Then maybe her chinese name will be Mei Yo. So her full name will be Yeo Mei Yo!

In other news, nothing and no one is safe from big brother's prying eyes. I just witnessed something which I found personally mortifying a few days ago. It bodes well to keep in mind that any illusion of privacy and anonymity that you think you have on the web is just that. An illusion. Remember, Big Brother is Watching!

Peace can be found in the worst places. Remember this. When you do not find happiness, you are not searching hard enough. Really. The worst that can happen is that you spend so much effort looking for things to be happy about that you lower your standard for happiness. When that happens, it is inevitable that you will then be happy.

It takes courage to believe you can accomplish something. I've always wondered if having confidence that you can do something tough causes you to be able to do that something? Or could it be that you are confident because deep down inside you know that you already can do that something. Hmmm, that already sounds like confidence itself.

I cannot explain it. For example, even in JC1, when I was failing subjects left and right, I somehow never panicked. I never even wondered for once what would happen if I screwed up my 'A' levels. My dear mother always worried for me when she felt that I was not studying hard enough. Did she take it all away from me or was it misplaced to begin with? I do not know. All I know was that when I got my results during my 'A's or even 'O's I may have been happy or excited. But I was never surprised. If this sounds cocky its not meant to be.

On the flip side, there are some things that I can not feel confident about no matter how hard I try. And once again, the question arises that the cause of failure is the lack of confidence, or that one feels the lack of confidence because one know that he is very likely to fail? Don't know, Don't know, but of course I hope that the former is true. Because that would mean that the cause of failure is but a matter of the mind and by changing your perspective, you will be able to circumvent your problems.

Yes, he's here. Please please please please be good!


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