Wednesday, June 04, 2008

I am really glad for my parents. They are wise, experienced, and willing to listen to my problems and give advice. Just when I thought that all hope was lost, they lifted up their torch and pointed out a path for me.

Our hero has been cast out from the warm, loving arms of the mothership oil can sink into the planet that is known only as 20th bundle, super-far away.

'Well, theres no turning back now. I will just have to face what's ahead and do the best I can.' He said to himself.

Far from being the lush, tropical, idallic resort-city that he had envisioned, this planet was a hostile, deserted wasteland. Vampires roamed the castle ruins and strange and dangerous monsters have taken over the land. No one dared to leave shelter without some sort of headgear on. The smell of doom hung in the air like a groundsheet blowing in the wind. A sense of helplessness, a sense of despair permeated our hero's nostrils as he picked through the wreckage of what was once a great and glorious city.

He soon noticed that he was not alone, for others like him were there alongside him. There they were, once noble and proud and willing to defend the light. Now they no longer looked so sharp. War-torn and battle-scarred, they were a victim of the times. And our hero knew that it was only a matter of time, if nothing was done, before he became one of them.

All too quickly, he was acquainted to the perils of this foreign land. From the Huge and mighty conjoined- giant crab that called itself the king of the land and subjected all other monsters below it great and small to its wills and whims, to the surprisingly irritating double banded kaopeier, to the three-clawed black bandit, our hero got into close encounters with them all. All too soon, he was bleeding from the numberous wounds inflicted upon him by their various attacks.

Not to be cowed so easily, our hero took refuge among those like him and plotted and schemed, hoping to come up with a plan to make this land a better place. Will he succeed? Or will his spirit be condemned for the next 9 months and 8 days before it is finally set free? Will he manage to escape the hellhole before then? Only time will tell.(hopefully not too much.)


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