Saturday, February 17, 2007

The dog year is ending and the pig year will begin in about, oh, one hour and three minutes. These days were strangly fun. Firstly because I only had to work just over thirty hours this week, then what with valentines day and cny this week, exciting stuff. Well, on valentines' day I ended work at three. Which was a good thing because youknowwho was in some sort of foul mood that day as per norm. So very excited to get out I decided to try the new sunrise shake at coffee bean. My verdict? Stick to the honeydew ice blended.

Anyway I went to far east with the guys where we shopped around and talked crap, very normal stuff. I also finally tried the fried mars bar. Very nice, the way the chocolate flows out of the external shell is simply mouth watering, but its like an instant sore-throat waiting to happen. Lucky its served with a side of ice-cream. Then we ate at subway, where they made me order the damn sandwhiches and I think I screwed up everything. Lucky alven could still eat his sandwhich.

Then watched ghostrider. In a small cinema where the projector broke down halfway through the commercials. Oh puh-leeze, even princess has better quality, larger cinemas and more comfy chairs and its only 5 bucks on weekdays. Hmph! If you're gonna stick us in that god forsaken hell-hole at least have the decency to charge us less dammit...

After the movie the guys left for ks's house while I went and met up with some girls from S17, which was mostly my pw group. We seriously have the most united group ever. Anyway I tried the long island tea, not very nice, and a gin and tonic, excellent. I have a taste for those kind of drinks. And I somehow managed to get home before 1.

This my friends, is what uninspired blogging looks like.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

11/11/08 8:03 am  

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