Thursday, March 30, 2006

Bastard! Whats his bloody problem? Probably a little insecurity over his manhood...
Well, once again, as it has been back in secondary school, my fantastic hair somehow manages to get me in trouble whever I go. Too spikey... too colourful... now too long. Yeah right! I could probably get you a hall of people with longer hair than mine. Haha, you are just picking on us. And how unreasonable can you get? Come'on, telling someone to get their hair cut at 7 in the evening and then catching them at 10 the next day is just a LITTLE unreasonable don't you think, especially when I got home at 10 bloody pm that night.

Yeah right, go ahead! I'm sure you have the balls (oops i meant it to be singular) to take me out. You arrogant immature pompus irritating freak. Rot in hell.

Any resemblence to anyone DEAD, living or dying is purely coincidential.


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