Thursday, June 01, 2006

Well, I feel like I've been depriving my blog of any real information. Most of my last few posts were hastly cobbled together so I guess I will dedicate the next ten minutes of my life to enshrining my 18 year 2 months and 16 days personality into a bunch of 0s and 1s.

First up, my thoughts on the whole basketball thing. Well, it was my last season and I did finally get to play where I have always wanted to. Haha, still can remember long long ago when I was fuming that I could not play forward. I can also proudly say that I have won a trophy in every single team that I was a part of. Sounds totally cool. And that I have had the same coach for 6 years! So I guess its safe to say that out of all the zhss ballers, I am the one who was yelled at the most! But this season was so much more than that. I had a shitty first round. Total crap. Very disappointed in myself. Then I sat down, had a good long think, and decided that I did not train so hard just to be a pussyboy. A buddy of mine told to think about dominating your opponent and winning the game. That mantra, together with goodness knows what I pulled out of my ass, led me to a better second round. Thanks alven. Anyway, I think that was the round where I played my best anyway. Then after that there was the big hoo hah in the next few games about the cap arguing with coach. Bet everyone is shocked that someone actually dared to argue with him. Anyway, after that everything was a blur and before you knew it, we were fourth.

So heres a goodbye to 6-days-a-week trainings, 7-11 trips, bedok and parkway hawker centres, eight word drill, 8km runs, fly infested courts, 2-4-6-8-10, 1,2,3,4,5,7,low post and auto. Come to think of it, we never used 2 or 5 at all. Erm, mr incredible, lim, tan and of course tattoo! No thanks to the cheebyefuck. I still hate him!

Well, with basketball all but forgotten, I face many empty days ahead. This I filled up with, amazingly, studying! Thus begun my 'holiday'. You may call me a mugger, but no, one need not look far to understand the theraputic effects of studying. I mean, Isn't it a natural high when you sit before a mountain of notes and try to cram every bit of information into your brains? Is there anything more exhilarating when you manage to finish studying organic chem in one day? I mean, its right up there with winning the lottery! I tell you what I do. I wake up, go to the library and start reading notes. After I finish three sets, I tell myself READING SPREE! and go to the toilet to heal. After that, im DOMINATING my notes. By the fifth set, I'm UNSTOPPABLE. After my MEGA MUG, I drink some water and it will not be long before i'm WICKED SICK. My eigth set is a MONSTER SET and it takes a while for me to get it down but theres no stopping me is there? Im GODLIKE in devouring notes and no one can stop me. All too soon I look at the watch and exclaim 'HOLY SHIT! Its almost 7!' Following which I rush home to eat dinner and play dota.

C'mon, tell me theres nothing more enjoyable that that.

And the next point, which my dear friend has so kindly asked me to touch on, my non-existant love life! Hah! What a joke! Who needs love when you have Physics? Who needs girls when you have Maths? I can get all my excitement from Biology and I can safely say that theres real Chemistry between me and my notes!

Damn, I think I am not myself anymore. Somebody tie me up and take me out! Hope everyone knows that I AM still waiting for the special ones. Please call 1900-want-lik to apply, operators are standing by!


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