Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sigh. It was exactly as I remembered. Totally not fun. All those old people speaking teochew, and since my teochew sucks I understand only like 10% of what they are saying, not that they are talking about anything interesting. A normal conversation goes something like this:

Mom(translated): How much is that bag of tiny dried smelly fishes

Old man: Oh, I bought mine for 5000

Mom: So how much is it per kg?

Old man: I bought mine for 5000

Mom: How much did you buy? 1 kg?

Old man: I bought mine for 5000

And it goes downhill from there. So you can imagine the kind of intellectual stimulation I got there. In fact, I actually did a little homework there, as well as watch alot of television, mostly informacials (wow, I didn't know that a juicer is my gateway to a healthy, well-toned body).

Over there, Its smelly, dusty, real hot, and I don't think theres a single computer in the whole goddammed place. The good thing though, is that there, for some reason, beer is cheaper than soft drinks! So every restaurant that we go to (actually they are not really restaurants, just stores with tables in them where we can sit down and eat), they will stack like 4 cans of Heinekein, 5 cans of Carlsberg, another 4 cans of Guiness stout, and then like 2 cans of sprite. They say that the ice there is dirty too because its made from tap water and the tap water there cannot be drunk. So its room-temperature beer for everyone.

I got to get smart. From now on, I'm never ever going on a holiday alone with my parents again. I've been fooled for seventeen years now, I'm not going to let them get me again! By the way, the island I went to was called Kalimun or something like that. the town on that island is called Tanjung Balai. Everyone there speaks in Dialect, even the local indonesians.

What a wasted week! I even missed receiving the basketball girls from their trip from Thailand! I would like to apologise if any of them accidentally reads this. Yep, I would much much rather sit an hour in the bus to go to the airport to see you all than spend a weekend in that hellhole.


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